Welcome to my Supernatural Writing Blog where you can Experience The Mysterious…

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Welcome to my Poetry and Writing Blog. Most of my writing is around the theme of the Supernatural. Vampires, Werewolves, Unicorns, those types of things! I also write Inspirational Poetry and about Travel, Nature and other subjects.

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Here is  a definition of Supernatural from Wikipedia:

“The supernatural is that which exists (or is claimed to exist), yet cannot be explained by laws of nature. Examples often include characteristics of or relating to ghosts, angels, gods, souls and spirits, non-material beings, or anything else considered beyond nature like magic, miracles, etc…”

This blog will cover the supernatural, the metaphysical, spirituality, mysticism, religion, the occult, the esoteric, magic, paganism, wicca, gothic, fantasy, sci-fi, books, music, film, comics, travel, nature, vampires, werewolves, unicorns, fairy lore, mythology, horror, philosophy, psychology, ancient civilisations, astronomy, astrology, tarot, orbs, historical figures, ghosts, haunted places, insomnia, conspiracy theories, the extra terrestrial, quantum physics, energy, dreams, de ja vus, mysterious places, ley lines and basically all things that are just a step away from the mundane. All mixed in with a bit of music, mainly from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. 🙂 LOTS of MUSIC!

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I will be writing about places I’ve visited, experiences I’ve had, books I’ve read, films I’ve watched and music I’ve heard. I will also write some reviews and share news about various interesting things. I will also be posting about some of the Poetry and Literature I am interested in. And the influences in the form of Books, Films, and Music.


I am most interested in Rhyming Poetry and Story Poems – Narrative Poetry. And also most interested in writing about the Supernatural. I am interested in Speculative Poetry, defined on Wikipedia as follows…

“Speculative poetry is a genre of poetry that focuses on fantastic, science fictional and mythological themes. It is also known as science fiction poetry or fantastic poetry. It is distinguished from other poetic genres by being categorised by its subject matter, rather than by the poetry’s form. Suzette Haden Elgin defined the genre as “about a reality that is in some way different from the existing reality.”

It can be hard to find a niche for this kind of work. Looking forward to connecting with other Poets, Writers, Fans, Artists and Publishers in this field.

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24 thoughts on “Welcome to my Supernatural Writing Blog where you can Experience The Mysterious…

    1. Thank-you Curiosity. 🙂 Am following your blog. Just read your post on Machu Picchu. I’d love to go there as it seems like a fascinating place. Would also love to go to Easter Island despite it being one of the most remote islands on Earth! 🙂

      1. Thanks for the follow!:) Machu Picchu was amazing! & Easter Island sounds great, if you plan and research well, it should be doable!😊 If it is on your bucket list Make It Happen!☀️☀️

  1. I am a fan of supernatural happenings. I am looking forward to reading your work about “those things” as you call it. I equally enjoy narrative poetry, my blog will feature some of those things in the upcoming weeks. I am excited to see where you’ll take us with your work. I would love to see you over at my blog sometimes. I welcome all feedback about my work in an effort to improve my own writing. Feel free to stop by and let me know what you think of my post in the post comments and follow along if you enjoy the content. Hope to see you soon.

    1. Cool. Thanks. Have liked your blog. If you like narrative poetry check out my post about “The Highwayman” by Alfred Noyes. In my opinion it is one of the best narrative poems ever written. 🙂

  2. I have a suggestion for your blog. You might want to create some categories so it’s easier to find posts. For example making a category for your fiction pieces and one for narrative poems. You may even do subcategories if you want.

      1. There are a couple ways to do it, here’s one way that I think may be straight forward enough.

        Click on My Site and scroll down to settings at the bottom of the drop down menu.

        Once in setting go to the section that says writing and click on default categories. You should the category label ‘Uncategorized’ along with the (+) allowing you to add other categories.

        These steps are applicable to the free version of WordPress. If you’re using an upgraded version, the directions may be different. Hope this is useful.

        1. Well if you’ve already made your categories and have been allocating them to a specific category, you may just have to add a categories widget so it’s displayed on your page. You can find the add widget when you click my site, select customize next to themes, then go down to widgets and find the categories widget. You may choose where you want it displayed based on the options of your particular theme.

        2. Thanks Jenoy. 🙂 Just had to go learn about widgets there as new to this! Thanks for the very helpful information. You can be my tech guy! I have added categories widget at footer for now. Can probably still improve but at least it’s a start! Cheers.

  3. I’m so happy to meet you. I love all things magic and mystical. I’m a huge music fan and the supernatural is the air that I breathe. Everything that you do for your blog sounds like I found a second home. Take care can’t wait to read some more.

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